This will show the control levels all throughout the ruler’s domain, and players will have the ability to select any region that doesn’t have an exceedingly high control score. In the event that the player has low control in a region, players can head to their council tab, head to over to their marshal, and select the “Increase Control in Country” option. How much control the player has over the area and the relevant vassal’s opinion of the ruler can both affect how much taxes can be collected. But just because it should be making that much money, that doesn’t mean it will always be collected effectively. Click on one of those holdings and the player can see how much gold that part of the domain is making. Zoom in on the map until the ruler’s individual holdings are visible.
This is done automatically by the game’s systems, but the player can still influence how effectively taxes are collected and by how much. The most basic form of gold collection a ruler has at any given time is taxes.